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Tips for Spring Clean Up on Your Commercial Roof

Winter was brutal this year, especially in the northern Illinois region. Now that the ground is thawing and the leaves are returning to the trees, it is time to get out that annual cleaning and maintenance checklist. This year, don’t forget to properly clean and care for your commercial roof. Proper maintenance of your commercial roof is important because it will save you money in the long run and extend the lifespan of your roof. There are several things that you can do yourself, but you should also have the professionals at HC Anderson Roofing Company come up with a maintenance program that is tailored to your company’s specific needs. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Trim trees.

Trees growing too close to your commercial building can cause a myriad of issues for the building structure and the roof. Falling tree branches can scrape or severely damage your roof, and constantly cleaning up fallen leaves can become a safety issue. 

Clean the gutters.

Over the winter your gutters have collected all kinds of gunk, twigs, dirt, and leaves. Spring rains can cause your gutters to overflow which leads to leaks and potential damage your roof. Inspect your gutters for rust and corrosion. These are signs that your gutters need to be replaced.

Inspect the ceiling on the inside.

When you are inspecting your roof for visible signs of damage, you should also head inside and look closely at the ceiling. Water stains, peeling paint, and mildew odors are clear indications that something is wrong with your roof. Look for areas that are warped or sagging, as this could help pinpoint the exact location of the damage.

Call the pros.

While you can get a head start on your commercial roof spring clean up, you shouldn’t hesitate to call a professional to get a full inspection, cleaning, and maintenance program. Our expert team at HC Anderson Roofing will use a checklist to assess the roof and then provide you with a comprehensive report with the pertinent information and recommendations, including photos. Contact us today at (877) 824-4717 to get your free maintenance quote in the Rockford, Illinois area, including Rockton. In addition to maintenance and inspections, we also install Duro-Last roofs and perform roof repairs in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois.


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